Sexual Harassment at Work, 10 Ways Your Supervisor May Have Crossed the Line!
Some supervisors just don’t get it! They sexually harass employees and don’t realize they’re doing it…or don’t seem to care. The harassment can be real regardless of the sex of the supervisor or of the employee, whether the supervisor is the same sex or the opposite sex.
In this litigation guide article, we will outline 10 forms of sexual harassment that continue to victimize employees in the workplace.
If any of these, or similar behaviors, victimize you, it might be time to talk with attorneys specializing in this field of civil law.
1. Overt Sexual Proposition: Do you think this doesn’t happen these days? Think again. Whether it is implied that getting or keeping your job is part of the bargain doesn’t matter. This is legally defined in most states as harassment.
2. Sexual Assault: This is violent criminal behavior, sexual harassment at its worst. It happens more than most people realize.
3. Sexual Joking: When a supervisor consistently makes sexual jokes and references to those under his or her supervision, it crosses the line. Anyone uncomfortable with the behavior should have the freedom to ask the supervisor to stop without fear of consequences. If the joking continues, it should be reported and attorneys should be consulted.
4. Unwanted Physical Expression: Hugs can go too far. Pats on the back side are unacceptable. There’s a continuum here, and sometimes an action won’t be viewed as harassment. However, once an employee has asked that a practice end and it doesn’t, it is no longer okay.
5. Ogling or Sexual Comments: If your supervisor looks you over from head-to-toe, stares at your body, makes comments about your body, etc., he or she has crossed the line. If you make it clear that these practices are unwanted and they continue, you have grounds for complaint.
6. Questions About your Sex Life: Needless to say, such questions have no place in the workplace and personal injury attorneys specializing in sexual harassment win cases like this consistently.
7. Spreading Rumors about Your Sex Life or Sexual Orientation: Again, such action toward an employee by a supervisor is unacceptable.
8. Asking you Out on a Date: This one is a gray area under the laws of most states. However, if it is persistent and you repeatedly ask the supervisor to stop and he or she doesn’t, most juries would find in your favor in a lawsuit.
9. Demeaning Sexist Language: Names like “honey,” “baby,” “hunk,” “big boy” or other demeaning sexist language is a form of sexual harassment that makes the workplace very uncomfortable for people of both sexes.
10. Unwanted Attention: If your supervisor calls you socially outside the office, sends lots of non-business emails, showers you with gifts and gives you other unwanted attention, he or she is sexually harassing you. This is one of the first things attorneys specializing in this field will ask their potential clients about.
These 10 “cross the line” behaviors paint the general picture as to what sexual harassment is between a supervisor and someone under their supervision. Have you been harmed physically or emotionally by behaviors of this type? Have you ever been denied a promotion after resisting advances? Did you lose your job because you failed to give in to sexual advances or because you reported your supervisor?
You may have a clear-cut case of sexual harassment.
Most attorneys who work in this field of personal injury lawsuits will provide you with a free case evaluation and discuss with you your prospects for winning damages for what you’ve suffered. When you hold others accountable for victimizing you, you improve the workplace for the next employee. You rebuild your self-esteem that has been wounded by sexual harassment. And you might be able to recover damages in the process.