I Was Wrongly Accused of Stealing at Work | What Steps Should I Take First?
Being falsely accused of a crime at work can cost you your job, or a demotion and may restrict your ability to advance in your career. If you decide to leave the company, the departure will show on your work record and may have a negative effect on future job opportunities.
In this Litigation Guide article we will outline the steps to take if you are falsely accused of stealing at work.
Prepare and File a Report
Write your own version of events. Describe where you were when the purported theft took place. Make your case that you were not involved. Submit the report to your supervisor and/or the human resources department. Keep a copy for your own records.
Discuss the Issue with your Supervisor
Make your case to your immediate boss and discuss the report you’ve written. Ask your supervisor to support your credibility and help protect your job and career.
Contact the Police
If you’re innocent, you want the police and courts involved so that you have the opportunity to demonstrate your innocence. You must be considered innocent until proven guilty.
If your employer says they don’t want the police involved, you have two options. Notify the police anyway or get it in writing from your employer that no action will be taken against you now or in the future. If you’re never proven guilty but suffer negative consequences due to the accusation, you’ve been wronged. The letter should specify that you are no longer being accused of stealing and that your employment with the company, including your potential for advancement, will not be harmed.
Furthermore, the letter should state that if you leave the company, your current company cannot discuss the incident with any potential new employer. This will give you the basis for a civil personal injury litigation against your current employer if the incident harms your career.
Hire a Litigation Lawyer
If your work environment, responsibilities at work or your career has been harmed by false accusations, then you may have the basis for a civil lawsuit against your employer and/or the person making the false accusation.
Discuss your case with a litigation attorney with experience in workplace issues like yours. He or she will work to undue the harm that you have suffered. If that cannot be done, your litigation lawyer will work to get you financially compensated for the effect the false accusation has had on your career as well as the emotional trauma it may have caused you and your family.
Please visit the other areas of our website for helpful information on personal injury lawsuits, class action lawsuits, medical malpractice, and information on how to find a litigation attorney in your area.